The Recruiting Process Is Broken & Stupid

Do you know that stab-in-the-heart, the kick-in-the-gut feeling you get when you’ve got every bullet point on a job description, and you can’t upload your resume fast enough because you know this is it—the job for you!

You apply, and you hear … crickets? Ouch.


In mere minutes from hitting submit, standing up to stretch, and sit back down to fill out the next mind-numbing online application, you hear…



“Thanks for taking the time to apply. After reviewing the information you provided, we are considering other candidates whose background and experience more closely align with the qualifications and requirements of this position.”


Don’t Read Any Further….

If you enjoy receiving such automatic responses from HR.

Because my products and services are not for you.

But, if you are NOT about the above…

Hi, I’m Rebecca!

Having been there … I said ENOUGH!

No more standing by and watching other people get the interview. And the job offer.

Having been a hiring manager and a recruiting partner for Disney, I’ve seen my fair share of boring resumes that all look and sound the same. ENOUGH!

Being a bit of a nerd, I became obsessed with finding the secret decoder ring of the job search process, resumes, all of it. 

I then tried it over and over again to land interviews and jobs and then started sharing my success with others on how to do it, and it worked for them, too!

I’ve since worked with hundreds of people across all industries. Sharing my non-traditional, modern approach to package their knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience in a way that stops putting people to sleep. I work with them to turn their resumes into tools to stand out and land interviews.

Here’s what I share with my clients:

The recruiting process is broken and stupid


Sameness never pays off.


Posting online is not enough. 

To stand out and get seen, you can’t be doing what everyone else is doing.

To help, I would like to gift you with my Stand Out Job Search Strategy. Get it below.

Want more support creating a Stand Out Modern Resume? Click here.

Remember, sameness never pays off. Keep showing up. The world needs your awesome.


Resource Library

Check out these free resources to get you started. 

Stand Out Modern Resume

Want more support creating a Stand Out Modern resume? 

You are inches away from guaranteeing your resume gets seen!

Get Ready To Stand Out!

You got it! Go check your mail. I'll see you there!