Stand Out Resume




 You Aren’t Boring… Why Should Your Resume Be? 

Make Your Resume Reflect How Awesome You Are In Real Life

Does your resume suffer from:


Outdated Format


Generic One-Size-Fits-All


Buzzwords and Cliches


Cut and Paste From A Job Description

It’s Time to Un-Borify Your Resume and Stand Out!

Let’s Get Started

Stand Out Modern Resume Guide + Bonus Template

After helping hundreds of people update their resume to stand out and get seen, I’ve written it all down in a step-by-step guide. AND I’m giving you my most popular professionally designed, fully customizable stand out modern resume template as a BONUS.

Get the #1 best seller NOW for only $9.95!

Why I Do What I Do

I had worked tirelessly on my resume and thought it was great and was confused about why I wasn’t getting bites. After Rebecca showed me the light, I literally had nibbles days after incorporating her recommended changes.


Executive Assistant

I’m really proud of myself and my experience when I read my updated resume!



I just got a call about a job and the first thing she said was that she loved my opening statement on my resume! That really boosted my confidence!


Finance Manager


How did you get into resume writing?

I believe the job search process is broken.

Once upon a time… I got tired of seeing people get jobs I was applying for that didn’t even have half the qualifications and experience for the position I did. How did I know this? Well, I did what most people do, especially women, I used the job posting as a checklist. I would read every word in each bullet point multiple times, writing my specific relevant experience in the margin of the bullet and then I would tally up how many of the requirements I met. If near 100% I would then apply. I wasn’t getting calls. It made me wonder what the heck is wrong with me?! Being a bit of a nerd, I became obsessed with finding the secret decoder ring of the job search process, resumes, all of it. I use nontraditional job search strategies and help you craft resumes, profiles, and cover letters in a way that screams READ ME—guaranteed to get you seen in the job market. I went on to have 17 different jobs with the most admired company in the world, I’ve been a recruiting trip partner for Disney, a hiring manager, and seen my fair share of boring resumes that all look and sound the same. I’ve helped hundreds of people package up their knowledge, skills, and experience on their resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile in a way to stop putting people to sleep and turn those items into tools to land their dream job.

Can I hire you to help me write my resume?

I am no longer accepting new co-creation clients at this time.  

I believe you have what it takes to write your resume better than any writer can because no one knows your work history, what you have done, and who is capable to tell your story more than you. That’s why I created Your Guide To A Stand Out Modern Resume  and the Job Search Stand Out Strategy program to walk you through step-by-step exactly how to write your resume to Stand Out. 



Can I see an example of a resume?

Here’s a Get Seen Resume before and after example in the template that comes as a bonus when you purchase Your Guide To A Stand Out Modern Resume. 

Will you review my resume?

 I do offer Stand Out Resume reviews. Click here for availability. 

Do you guarantee I will find a job?

If you follow the strategy I provide, I guarantee your resume will get seen. I can’t offer a guarantee of success of the resumes or career-related products including the successful acquisition of a job or failure to land a job. You own your resume, how you show up in the interview, and what you say. I guide and suggest FYC (for your consideration) but you are an adult and therefore are responsible.  

How do I login to Job Search SOS Course?

Click here and use the user name and password you created when signing up. 

I’ll see you in there!

What Does Job Search SOS Stand For?

SOS stands for Stand Out Strategy. 

You are inches away from guaranteeing your resume gets seen!

Get Ready To Stand Out!

You got it! Go check your mail. I'll see you there!